Saturday, January 17, 2015

Here is a brief summary of this week's message for CHCC - Olivet - Everyone is welcome, the service starts at 11:00am at the Olivet High School Auditorium:
“Encountering Jesus” – Lesson 2
“Respected or Rejected?”
With this week’s encounter, we are going to switch gears. Instead of looking at an individual encounter, I’m going to compare two encounters that happen side by side in the 3rd and 4th chapters of the Book of John. Our study this morning will observe the way “a Jesus-encounter” changed and humbled a “respected” Jewish teacher named Nicodemus, compared to the way it changed and elevated a “rejected” Samaritan woman, whose name is not even given in the Gospel account. It is my belief that by the time we finish studying these two “Jesus –encounters”, you will really feel like you know both characters. Now, usually these two stories are taught separately. But for our purposes with this series, I believe that would be a mistake. I believe that the reason the Holy Spirit led John to share these stories back to back, is so that we would consider them together.
As you will discover in today’s message, these two people appear on the surface to be so different, that it wouldn't seem like they could possibly have anything to do with each other. But I believe that the Holy Spirit is trying to get us to ask an interesting question: “As different as the “respected teacher” and the “rejected Samaritan woman” are on the outside, what do they have in common on the inside that draws them both to meet Jesus?"
In His Service,
Pastor Steve
John 3:3 and 4:10 (ESV), “Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”… “Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.”
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- Blessed are the Meek
- Encountering Jesus
- Jesus healing of the Ten Lepers
- John 11:38-46
- John 3
- John 4
- Luke 17:11-19
- Matthew 5:1-16
- Matthew 5:3
- Matthew 5:4
- Matthew 5:5
- Mourning
- Poor in Spirit
- The Beatitudes
- The Cure
- The Cure-prescription for life
- The Gospel of grace
- The Resurrection and the Life
- The Sermon on the Mount
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